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How To Prepare for BAS Lodgement


Advice of BAS Lodgement 

Preparing for Quarterly BAS Lodgement can be a daunting task, especially for small business owners. It is important to ensure that all your financial records are up-to-date and accurate before you lodge your BAS. This will help you to avoid any unnecessary delays or fines. Bookkeepers for U are your local bookkeepers in Melbourne and we can provide invaluable advice and guidance on how to prepare for Quarterly BAS Lodgement. We can help you understand the requirements of the ATO and provide tips on how to ensure that your lodgement is accurate and timely. We can also offer advice on the best software solutions available, as well as assist with any bookkeeping queries you may have.

To prepare for the Business Activity Statement (BAS) lodgement - here are some general steps to follow:


Keep Accurate Records

Ensure that you keep accurate and up-to-date records of all your business transactions. These records should include sales, expenses, and any other relevant financial information that is required for the BAS lodgement. Click here to view common bookkeeping mistakes. 


Check BAS Reporting Requirements

Familiarise yourself with the reporting requirements for the BAS. The BAS report usually requires information about GST, PAYG withholding, and other taxes and duties. Make sure you have all the required information and that it is accurate.


Understand the BAS Lodgement Frequency

Determine the frequency of your BAS lodgement. Most businesses lodge their BAS quarterly, but some may have to lodge it monthly or annually. Check your lodgement frequency to ensure that you are meeting your reporting obligations.


Use a BAS Lodgement Tool

Use a Business Portal or a registered BAS agent to lodge your BAS report. The Business Portal is an online platform that allows businesses to access government services, while a registered BAS agent can help you prepare and lodge your BAS on your behalf.


Ensure Timely Lodgement

Ensure that you lodge your BAS report on time to avoid any late lodgement penalties. The due date for BAS lodgements is usually 28 days after the end of the reporting period. It's essential to keep track of the lodgement deadline and avoid any delay in lodgement.


Get Help From Bookkeepers for U

If you're unsure about how to prepare for BAS lodgement or have difficulty meeting your reporting obligations, consider seeking professional assistance from Bookkeepers for U - we are a registered BAS agent, and Tax Accountants - we can help you with your BAS reporting and ensure that you meet your compliance obligations.

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0417 146 549

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